How has international trade influenced how countries interact with each other? This research project looks specifically at France and Britain which are grouped together as Colonial Powers to explore the relationship of Colonialism and international trade. This research project will be looking at data from the Correlates Of War Project, which has international trade data from 1870 to 2015. The cut-off year for this research project will be 1960, as on December 14,1960, the UN declared Colonialism was a human’s right’s violation and legally declared Colonialism was over(McWhinney,1960).
This research project will be testing two hypothesis regarding Britain and France.
#Colonial Powers Hypopthesis. 1. The Years that France and Britain had more Exports is when the rate of colonization increased. 2. The Years that France and Britain had more Iron Production correlates to the years France and Britain increased levels of colonization.
Error: 'C:/Users/yakub/Documents/GitHub/603_Fall_2022/posts/_data/NMC_v4_0.csv' does not exist.
#Descriptive Statistics.
As shown below, I tried finding Data regarding when colonialism began by France and Uk and seeing whether France and UK had more Trade Surpluses as they expanded their colonial empire. However, I was proven wrong as it appears that the UK has been running a Trade Deficit and has never had a Trade Surplus during their Colonial era pre-1960s. As such, I will have to change the approach of this research study. It appears the Balance of Trade has no relationship to Colonialism.
Error in print(colonial_trade[colonial_trade$exports > colonial_trade$imports, : object 'colonial_trade' not found
My finding has found that there is no relationship between Trade Deficits and Colonialism as the UK has never had a positive trade balance.
I think that the approach of my research has to be changed as my initial theory about trade deficits and Colonialism has been disapprove. As such, I think I will shift this project towards a different approach. I will try exploring the historical prices of commodity goods when France and U.K. were colonial powers.
McWhinney, E. (1960, December 14). Declaration on the granting of Independence to colonial countries and Peoples. United Nations. Retrieved October 10, 2022, from
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title: "Project Rough Draft Proposal"
author: "Yakub Rabiutheen"
description: "International Trade's influence on War"
date: "10/11/2022"
toc: true
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- finalproject1
- desriptive statistics
- probability
# Research Question
How has international trade influenced how countries interact with each other? This research project looks specifically at France and Britain which are grouped together as Colonial Powers to explore the relationship of Colonialism and international trade. This research project will be looking at data from the Correlates Of War Project, which has international trade data from 1870 to 2015. The cut-off year for this research project will be 1960, as on December 14,1960, the UN declared Colonialism was a human's right's violation and legally declared Colonialism was over(McWhinney,1960).
# Hypopthesis
This research project will be testing two hypothesis regarding Britain and France.
#Colonial Powers Hypopthesis.
1. The Years that France and Britain had more Exports is when the rate of colonization increased.
2. The Years that France and Britain had more Iron Production correlates to the years France and Britain increased levels of colonization.
Colonial_Years <- read_excel("C:/Users/yakub/Documents/GitHub/603_Fall_2022/posts/_data/Colonial_transformation_data.xls")
#Descriptive Statistics.
As shown below, I tried finding Data regarding when colonialism began by France and Uk and seeing whether France and UK had more Trade Surpluses as they expanded their colonial empire. However, I was proven wrong as it appears that the UK has been running a Trade Deficit and has never had a Trade Surplus during their Colonial era pre-1960s. As such, I will have to change the approach of this research study. It appears the Balance of Trade has no relationship to Colonialism.
My finding has found that there is no relationship between Trade Deficits and Colonialism as the UK has never had a positive trade balance.
I think that the approach of my research has to be changed as my initial theory about trade deficits and Colonialism has been disapprove. As such, I think I will shift this project towards a different approach. I will try exploring the historical prices of commodity goods when France and U.K. were colonial powers.
McWhinney, E. (1960, December 14). Declaration on the granting of Independence to colonial countries and Peoples. United Nations. Retrieved October 10, 2022, from